This is my big event ever. I have never cater to over 100 people before. It took a lot of
preparations and attention to details. I have been preparing for this event for over a month.

Salad bar offered an array of fresh vegetable for with various dressing.

Cold Cuts, Thai Yum, and Soup were also
available for starters.

Buffet line include both Thai and International food.

Buffet table is cover with white skirt with Swan's Wings pattern.

Dessert which consisted of Tarts, Parfait, Thai Sweets, and Seasonal Fruits.

Dessert table is decorated with bee hives pattern white skirt which is all handmade on the spot.

Table settings with silver runner to match silver
anniversary theme.

Atmosphere at the party.
Finally my hard work has been paid off!!!
Well done babe im soo proud of you!
Too stunning for words!
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