A very dear friend who is blogs guru and the author of http://www.cup-cakerie.blogspot.com/ has asked me to make this dish. After reading a recipe book, I started making it but with my own homemade tomato sauce. The sauce just bubbling out when I baked it in the oven. It turned out to be creamy and very tasty.
i wonder if u'd deliver to my part of the world! ;)
hello girlfren! miss u!
I'll hand deliver it to you next time I visit you girlfriend!!
that'll be awesome!!
so, u found me ;) i've 2 blogs...drop by checkered lane next time...devil's temple is gonna bore the shit outta ya ;)
later girl! be good!
Hi sweetie..nice blog naja yummy looking food makes me hungry!
I owed it all to you, fin-nish me cupcakes. You are my inspiration!!
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